We had a ovely night out at Martin's in Clapham. Bonfir, fireowrks and lots of gay men - what more could one want when a noisy fireowrk goes off! Sparklers in abundance. Lovely food and nice fro once to go to a small party wheret he firewroks were lit rather than a big display. Really nice evening.
Simon Cowell laughing al the way to the bank this mornign as he let John and Edward continue their rise to the top of the X Factor. Not that they will for one moment win, but Cowell, clever to the core knows this series is dead at the moment without the, Knowing how the public have voted, (Cone on don't believe he doesn't!) his sacrifice of the bland Lucy shows he knows how to maintain his viewing figures. All very clever

This morning I have had a drink from a cup of tea and managed it without a straw so I think we do have some movement in the lips. Rich says he thinks he has sen my right eye blinking a little over the weekend, and God will I be grateful when I don;t have to tape it up to sleep. Lovely message from an old friend in LA saying that his partner had it and it cleared up- so thank you for that Mr T!
Today a sad day as we lose our Syd - the little bubble of yellow loveliness that has ferried us around for the last two year. An electric blue metallic replacement is due today also. Name.....watch this space!


  1. Anyone suggested you try a CACI (Computer Aided Cosmetology Instrument) facial? I go once a month in Thele and they run tiny electrical currents through the muscles to tone them and it was developed to help people after strokes, but it's now called the 'non-surgical facelift'.


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