This week has sen a lot of trains.

Yesterday after an interview for a new BBC3 sit com (No money there then!) I headed off to t Pancras to experience the joys of First Class on Midland Mainline up to Sheffield.

The carriages are nicer than Virgin and the seats more comfortable and the prices are cheaper - but then who wants to go to Sheffield anyway!

Well I did yesterday as I was taking my mUm and four of her friends out for afternoon teat to celebrate her 88th birthday next week.
I took them to the Leopold Hotel which is Sheffield's newest boutique hotel. Actually I think its Sheffield's only boutique hotel, but there we go.

It's been converted from the Old City Grammar School and is in the middle of the city and is actually quite swish. It doesn't do lunch but for some reason thinks that afternoon tea is a more popular choice with the steel working people of Sheffield. Nice tea, sandwiches and scones and cream and jam and four lades in their older years. Vera, who turned ninety this year and who to celebrate that fact, went to Torquay and went up in a hot air balloon twice! Lynda and Pat. It was a lovely afternoon and always good to se Mum. She had a bad cold so was a bit below par but was thrilled with her perfume gift and the whole thing went off really well.
The journey back allowed enough time due to a delay outside Chesterfield to watch the horror schlock film "Orphan" Good camp meaningless trash - perfect for the train!


  1. You may have noticed some deliberate typing errors in the above. this is just to improve your enjoyment of the original material


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