Sunday morning. Both woke early today. Sleep has been a bit of a problem for me over the last two week.s As the muscles in my right eye aren't working the eye does not blink and i have to tape it closed at night and wear an eye mask. It doesn't take much to irritate me and wake me up. This allied with the steroids which seem to have given me insomnia has not helped. earlier in the week in Glasgow I really did have four nights where I slept for only 2 or 3 hours each night and it began to take its toll. Since getting back I've managed more sleep thanks to the comfort of our own bed, but woke early this morning.
Rich went out and we did something we rarely do these days - had The Sunday Times in bed for an hour which was just a delightful way to start the day.
Not sure but there does seem to be a very slight movement in my right eyelid today. It certainly looks as though i can blink though it still feels very stiff. The face seemeed slightly less lopsided when I got up though its hard to tell. I suppose that is how its going to come back - little by little day by day and I have to be patient - never a virtue I've had in abundance!


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