Thats going to be the main problem with this. Keeping it up to date.

Wednesday night we went to see "Little Voice" with Diana Vickers from the X Factor. We both hated her virulently with her waving hand and throaty croak when she was on the show so it is nice to be able to say she turns in a good performance. The acting is passable and the singing is very good. Bit of a curates egg as a show - good in parts. Although there really is no excuse for the dreadful X factor type song that has been stitched onto the end of the play.-truly awful
I've had lots of rest this week and things seem to be improving. I can drink without a straw and my face when in repose looks almost normal. Still having to tape my eye up for sleep and problems focussing with my right eye and when i get tired it still sounds as though I have a load of pebbles in my mouth when i speak, but it is all promising that it will go away slowly.

Last night went to Scene and Heard. I am going to do their next show at the beginning of December. Haven;t done one for two years and so thought it was time I ddi one. Also I have been doing it for ten years so I am going to make this my last one. I've been teamed with the lovely Ben Porter so providing we get a good play we should have lots of fun.

A lazy weekend stretches ahead with far too much telly, a visit to the Tate to see the Pop Art exhibition and Sunday lunch hat Roast in Borough Market. Perfect.


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