Paranormal activity - second try

After a bitty Saturday with a Scene and Heard runthrough breaking up
the day, we decided to brave the horror film of the moment on a wet
Sunday evening in Beckenham. Pefect horror film weather as we drove to
the cinema, lashings of rain and windswept trees.
The film "Paranormal Activity" is a 15. Hence the cinema was full of
teens.Chatty and up for a scream the moment the film began. Well
except for the guy next to me who was more up for a chat with his
girlfriend. Yes a chat! So irritating as his lack of attention to the
film was, and I diud worry about his wasting his £9.45 entrance fee,
we were in the back row for gods sake! Where were his wandering hands?
Where was the bra strap fumble of old? God, I can't remember how many
films in the Essoldo Rotherham were merely an excuse for copping a
feel of a hardening teenage penis. And that was just the boys!
This guy however was more interested in his mobile than his girlfriend
and her delights. Poor cow
The film was good and one of the more frightening images stayed in my
head most of the night, making my nocturnal toilet trips just a little
scarier than usual. But please, if this is the film that scared
America, no wonder they have a problem with Islamic Fundamentalism!

Sent from my iPhone


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