Small Steps

 So here it is once again - 1st January. You got through last night. You dealt with the feelings of regret and omission. You've replaced them with thoughts of hope and achievement. I can't remember a first day of January that actually did dawn bright and clear, so here in the grey overcast light of south-east London, it's not difficult to look at the enormity of what lies ahead, known to the world as 2018, and not feel a little daunted.

Aficionados of Gilbert and Sullivan will know that Koko, the Lord High Executioner in "The Mikado" was well known for saying that he had a little list. His list consisted of people he rather thought should be approaching the executioner's block. Even I think that might be a little too radical for the morning of January 1st, so I'm sat here doing a little list of tasks I will achieve in this first week. Nothing too ambitious, nothing too adventurous, just a list of small jobs so that as from tomorrow, the first working day of 2018, I can have a sense of purpose.

Just as the British cycling team didn't achieve their current world-renowned success by changing everything overnight, but changed things 1% at a time, so putting those New Year resolutions and objectives in place will not happen instantly today or tomorrow.

A small task each day. A little bit more "Me Time".  A little bit more time spent away from the screen or an electronic device. A set of easily achievable targets for the end of January to give me a feeling of success as 2018 makes its way forward.

I have changes occurring in my life during the coming year. My partner's place of work is relocated, and it will involve a change in our lifestyle to accommodate this. It's not something we will achieve instantly. It's something we'll have to work out. That's exactly what we intend to do.

I'm applying a similar approach to my working life as the year moves forward. I will not achieve everything tomorrow, or even by the end of January, so I'll just spend a little bit of time today focusing on what I want to do this week. That way, by the time Saturday arrives, I will hopefully feel 2018 has kicked off in some style. A first week that includes a visit to see my mother in Yorkshire, two days in Birmingham, a rehearsal, and a day filming for my children's charity isn't too bad.

So small steps. Sure steps. In the right direction. That's what will make the journey down the new road that is 2018 enjoyable, memorable, and of course, hopefully, profitable.


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