A Working Week

As a freelancer it is rare that I work for a full week for the same hours each day.

This week has been an exception with me running auditions for the National Youth Theatre each day and leaving home at 8.30am and getting back at 6pm - proper commuter hours.

I don't know how Rich does it.

By wednesday night I was tearing my hair out at the thought of the next day being just the same.

true there was a little variety in that two days were in North London and four days were in Dulwich so on those four days i was able to drive the short ten minutes to Alleyns school, but the sheer regularity of it drive me mad.

It's why I couldn't do a long run in the theatre any more unless it was a very nice part and at the National...and even then I would have to think about it..though actually at the National there would be nights off.

Last time I did theatre in watford eighteen months ago I was screaming for it to end after a week of playing. It's why I love corporates. Big shows lots to do, lots of hard work and long hours but only for a few days and then it is all over.

It's like my patience ...it's considerably shorter than it used to be. I suppose it's all part of the Meldrew Syndrome of getting older - our innate feelings are intensified. Those of us who have been in touch with our inner calm become genteel old folk, and those of us who have always had a flash of fire become the grumpy old men of the day.

Well, if thats what I am I'm loud and proud about it and I'll grump in style.

This week sees one day with no work at all, one day trip to Yorkshire and two half days of training, either of which will learn me more than I did in the whole of last week. So despite droopy faces and faulty vision, we are moving on!


  1. I don't do it!!! Oh for the day when I leave at 8.30pm and get home at 6pm!

  2. Sorry I meant that I long for the day when I leave at 8.30am and get home at 6pm


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