On the move

Regular readers who work their way through my normal litany of typing
errors may be horrified to learn that this is being submitted from my
I phone while on a day trip to Yorkshire. Do hang on on there and
persevere. This is a very wobbly train.

After a weekend of auditioning young actors at the Youth theatre a
chance last night to see some proper acting in "Enron". Brilliantly
staged and very theatrical it tells the story of the Enron scandal.
Sam West us superb in the lead and the production is thrilling and
constantly inventive.

More than can be said for the vast majority of audition speeches I
have witnessed over the last couple of days. Gone are the times of
seven Viola's or Juliets a day finding rings or berating their nurses.
These days it's all child abuse, illegitimate births and the like. If
it doesn't involve pain then young actors don't think it's worth
doing. They feel a need to show the acting. If it isn't miserable and
depressing then it can't be any good. That seems to be their
philosophy. How gorgeous then, as glittering as a ray of subdued South
Yorkshire sunshine, is the actor who comes in with a comedy speech.
Not just because it's funny, although in the midst of this morass of
perversion, suicide and abuse that is middle class teenage, that helps
a lot. No, it's because comedy always manages to show some humanity,
some shred of reality. Perhaps these young people are getting too much
reality on their screens and are crying out for drama. But really, I
don't need an audition day of sex, abuse and violence. I can get all
that at home.

Sent from iPhones.


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