So Christmas Eve and we're all set to go. the presents are wrapped, the Yorkshire Mother is ensconced on the sofa, Rich is having a nap in the bedroom and the sky is darkening outside.

I remember how, as a child, this was always the longest day of the year. A day of anticipation and longing and it seemed to go on for ever. Today, a visit to Croydon retail Park, the preparation of three party games to play at Janet's after lunch tomorrow and the prospect of Mum joining our pub quiz team tonight have Christmas hurtling towards us.
We are current pub quiz champions. We don't go every week just to give the other teams a chance and I am sure there is a collective sigh of resignation from the other regulars on the weeks that we do go. Richard's friend Charlotte introduced us to The Park in West Norwood where we go and we love it. Tonight if there is a round on the War we are quids in - Mum's specialist subject - though I may have to eat my words as once she can contact her memory she can often surprise us.

The joy of not having to shop for a proper Christmas was very evident as we popped into M and S in Croydon today. People rushing hither and thither with the oddest selection of stuff in their baskets and trolleys- shopping as if the shops closed tonight for good and they would be locked up for days with no supplies, when of course many of them will be out early on saturday morning looking for bargains. Perhaps that is why they need feeding up.

We have the joy and luxury of being cooked for. Just turn up in Hammersmith at the right hour with gifts and champagne and smiling faces and we are royally looked after till we leave.

Here's wishing you all a very happy day and hope that Santa fills your sack with quality!


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