Last night was the first night of Scene and Heard s Christmas show "Jumping off the Cliff- the Brave Plays" I've ben ding Scene and Heard for ten years now and its been a huge amount of fun but I have decided that this is to be my last one. All things need refreshing and new inputs and although I have enjoyed being on stage and doing the play and working with Ben and gaby, some of the process irritates me now. There have ben problems on this one - a designer who lives in Cloud Cuckoo land and has no conception of schedules. Last night for the opening night lots of items of costume were still missing - she doesn't seem to have any concept that that is a problem.

The worth of the project is unquestionable and as ten year old Emmanuel who had written our play joined ben and I on stage for his bow last night my heart did the usual thing of swelling to burst. A boy of few words in conversation he seems genuinely pleased by Ben and I in the play and managed to stump up what might almost be classed as a conversation with us last night

Ben - Do you like the play then?
Emanuel - Yes
Me - How are we doing?
Emmanuel - Great
Ben - Are we doing it right?
Emanuel - Yes

So there we are- Damned with faint praise.

Thankfully Emmanuel wasn't watching BBC 2 on Wednesday night when they repeated my adventures with the porn star Ben Dover. His questions might have been somewhat different otherwise!


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