Packing Up

Looking out of the boat's windows this morning, it's a pretty gloomy day, and the dilemma of what to wear presents itself. Yesterday was bright, gorgeous, warm sunshine, and it was easier to decide. This constant climate change makes you think about what's in your wardrobe. And it's compounded at this time of year by the fact that when I pull something out of the dressing room to say “Yes, I'll wear this today.” I think, “Oh no, I'd better keep that because we're going on holiday.” Childhood holidays in Yorkshire always meant two sets of best clothes, probably with a new holiday sweater, two pairs of shorts and swimming trunks, and some bright t-shirts for playing in on the beach. But that was the fashion-conscious Bridlington. My partner and I are setting off on an twelve-day, thousand-mile self-drive road trip around Iceland. It's a huge adventure that will require wardrobe planning. Every night, a different hotel. So, no throwing things in the c...