All stations North

For the first time in many months, I’m getting onto a train at King’s Cross heading north. Three hours to Newcastle and tomorrow a chance to speak to some young drama students about the world and its opportunities. This train journey holds a mix of emotions for me. The familiar route up north, once a regular part of my routine to visit my mum, now carries a sense of nostalgia tinged with sadness since her passing in 2019. It’s a bittersweet experience to revisit these memories after such a significant loss. Although I haven't made the journey as frequently since my mum's passing,I still make occasional visits to Grimm and Co, the wonderful children's charity I support in my home town of Rotherham. These visits provide me with a sense of purpose and connection to the community that raised me offering a bright spot amid the more sombre memories of this journey. Making my way through King's Cross, perhaps the bustling station feels different now, quieter and less familiar without the regularity of my visits. Yet, it's a reminder of the passage of time and the changes life brings. Despite the shifting landscape, there's comfort in knowing that some things remain constant, like the memories I hold dear and the causes I continue to support. This journey is a chance to reflect on cherished memories, find solace in familiar places, and embrace my own journey ahead with resilience and hope. And may the warmth of my memories and the purpose in my heart guide me on this meaningful journey, wherever it may lead. After the turmoil of recent years, the professional highs and the personal lows, now I feel I’m on the right track. Guided by loving hands, steered by care, and holding a ticket of togetherness. And thats a journey i’m looking forward to.


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