That December Feeling.

Readers of this blog, my column in The Stage, or either of my books will know that I once played a bear. It was in a version of Kipling's "The Jungle book" at the Arts Theatre in London way back in 1990. I doubled the roles of Kipling and Baloo the bear. Sadly I didn't get to put my tonsils around the "Bare Necessities" as the music was provided by Indo Jazz Fusion. I can only hope they've gone on to have a long and successful career. I haven't actually heard what they're up to.

I do hope however that the costume designer for that particular show has never been allowed near a theatre since. Having done a considerable amount of movement work in the rehearsal period to establish the weight and lumbering gait of a bear, at my costume fitting I was presented with a lycra one-piece jumpsuit and a poncho made out of fisherman's netting onto which two tone brown ribbons had been hastily tacked. My response - "It doesn't exactly scream bear" became rather legendary. An attempt to rescue my ursine couture was made in the form of some fun fur and a pair of baseball gloves. I'm not sure that it was entirely successful. But then neither was the show.

I tend to sympathise with the bear at this time of year, when nights close in and a smoky perfume fills the air, as I have an almost irresistible urge to hibernate until early February. Getting out and about for work suddenly seems to be less of a priority.

I'm very lucky to have worked a great deal this autumn. The corporate directing hat has been on now for four months and comes to an end next Friday after two conferences this week, one in Rome and one in Wembley. A geographic dichotomy if ever there was one.

1st December 2015
My hibernation will be held at bay for seven days while Richard and I head off to Dubai for some much needed winter sun. Five or so years ago, we attended the wedding of one Adam Kenwright in Thailand one week before Christmas. Apart from being a magical nuptial, it gave us a taste for a hint of the tropical during December, and there has not been a first of December since when I have not been able to lie on a sun bed and exclaim "It's the First of December" rather pointlessly to all around me.

1st December 2016
 I have irritated my social media followers with pictures of sun drenched shores and this year will be no different. Except that on my return, work will once again take priority right up until Christmas.

I haven't actually worked at Christmas for twenty two years, and it's not a habit I intend to start again, but being on set until two days before Christmas will give me a sense of urgency about the festivities this year. Shopping will have to be organised, travel plans will have to be set, and given that I have something already planned in that starts on 7 January, my Christmas holidays will also have to be severely diarised in order to get the maximum benefit.
1st December 2017

But then that's the actors dilemma. So much of our time spent out of work looking for employment. Then when we get a job,  we start wondering whether we can get Tuesday afternoon off.


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