Here comes the bride....and the sun!

Here comes the sun

So summer seems to have finally started. And I think I can safely tell you that it's going to be here for the next 5 to 6 weeks. How do I know? Have I been checking the dried seaweed that hangs bladder like in our kitchen window? Have I been feeling my pine cones daily? Have I been checking to see whether the spider is staying in the middle of his web?

No. I've simply received my filming schedule.  For a period of five and a half weeks from the 15th of July, I will be spending an awful lot of time in a conference centre near St Albans recreating a wedding. Five weeks to film one day. And a wedding, of course, means that we will be inside most of the time and wearing suits, shirts, and ties at the very least. And that means hot weather.

 There's a law  applied to filming that states  "indoor filming in lots of garments will always be done in high temperatures. Outdoor filming in cool garments will always take place in snow." Those regular readers of my blog will know that I spent several days on a snow-covered Newcastle racecourse in January in one of the thinnest possible of Marks & Spencer's suits pretending to be a rather devious hotel manager for  a forthcoming episode of "Vera". To put it politely, I froze my bollocks off.

This week the temperature has set itself just about right for spending day after day filming a wedding reception with lots of supporting artists, and not a hint of a breeze.

 It seems that weddings are the thing at the moment.  We have received two wedding invitations this week, and we will be going to one next Saturday  in Manchester.

The invitations are for one in Belfast in October, which should provide a nice weekend breakaway, and one in Thailand just before Christmas. We snapped this invitation up when it was just a sniff in the area earlier in the year and immediately booked a 12 day holiday in Thailand which will end with our attendance at the wedding.

Next Saturday will see us at the wedding of Mr William Nicholas Allen to my honorary god daughter the gorgeous Madelaine Rose Williams. I was Madelaine's  first visitor in hospital  when she was born to my very good friend Victoria Wicks,  and I was very much part of her childhood. Now she's a very successful event producer based in Manchester -  indeed the last time I spent any time with her, she had employed me on a job in Amsterdam!- And she's marrying the lovely Will,  who is a gorgeous vet, cum-brain surgeon, cum- something medical which I've forgotten, but fabulous husband material no less.

 I'm sure it'll be an emotional day. I'm hoping the sun will shine. And whatever else, it will not be as horrendous as the wedding am about to spend five weeks filming!


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