Too darn'd hot!

So it's been a busy busy week. Book launch, start of filming, trip to Yorkshire, and all of course in the most oppressive heat imaginable. I find dressing for the heat is a real problem. In fashion terms, I'm at my best in winter. I love jackets, cardigans, scarves and cosy dressing. On the fashion front I long for the crisp cool days of Autumn that cry out for a touch of wool, and a firm cord and brogue! I suppose the truth is that my "fuller figure" is not suited to a lighter style of dressing. It requires a chunky knit, or a well tailored wool suit to look good. I have lots of linen for the summer months, but within minutes of putting it on, it looks crumpled and careworn. I lunched with a female colleague from the Actors Centre board the other week and she turned up looking fabulous in a fuchsia shift dress. A simple shift dress. What's the equivalent for us chaps then? Hanging in my wardrobe, and frequently used in the flat on hot nights, both Rich...