Fun for all
So this is my first blog of 2012.
Last night we spent a quiet new year at home. Nice wine, nice food and our own company. For the last two years we've been away. In 2009 we were in New York, and last year we spent the new year in Swanage in a friends cottage.
This year I've been rather busy over the Christmas week driving over 1100 miles to bring mum down from Yorkshire, take us all down to Devon, take mum back to Yorkshire, and then having come back to London, a trip out to see our friend Andy in panto in Cambridge on Fridaywas the last stage of the Christmas marathon.
Christmas was quiet too but none the worse for it.
We spent it with Richard's parents and grandmother in Devon and I had my mother with me to so it was in every way a family Christmas. Despite the slightly antiquated tradition of family Howle not opening their presents until after lunch, which in this case meant nearly 4:35 PM in the afternoon, all was well and everyone seemed happy with what Santa brought them under the tree. In fact I'm dictating my blog today on my new iPad which was my Christmas present from Richard, much appreciated and incredibly exciting.
I'm not really one for New Years resolutions. I think every year I've made them they last about a week. This year I'm going to gamble and make one here on my blog.
I have resolved to make sure that I have more fun in 2012.
For one reason or another 2011 wasn't the most memorable of years. Career prospects that didn't quite live up to the promise, family illness, and just a general downtime.
So in this year 2012 when the euro is probably going to collapse, the Olympics are going to cost us more than we can afford, it seems to me the only alternative is to have fun. Fun in work and fun with friends in life.

And to start all that fun we are doing a play in January for no money for a very good cause.
Richard is producing it and I am directing it and it will be fun.
Your part of the fun is to come and see it and treat yourself to a good SHORT evening in the theatre with us. Details and a booking link are on our website at
See you there and a very happy and fun 2012 to all
Last night we spent a quiet new year at home. Nice wine, nice food and our own company. For the last two years we've been away. In 2009 we were in New York, and last year we spent the new year in Swanage in a friends cottage.
This year I've been rather busy over the Christmas week driving over 1100 miles to bring mum down from Yorkshire, take us all down to Devon, take mum back to Yorkshire, and then having come back to London, a trip out to see our friend Andy in panto in Cambridge on Fridaywas the last stage of the Christmas marathon.
Christmas was quiet too but none the worse for it.
We spent it with Richard's parents and grandmother in Devon and I had my mother with me to so it was in every way a family Christmas. Despite the slightly antiquated tradition of family Howle not opening their presents until after lunch, which in this case meant nearly 4:35 PM in the afternoon, all was well and everyone seemed happy with what Santa brought them under the tree. In fact I'm dictating my blog today on my new iPad which was my Christmas present from Richard, much appreciated and incredibly exciting.
I'm not really one for New Years resolutions. I think every year I've made them they last about a week. This year I'm going to gamble and make one here on my blog.
I have resolved to make sure that I have more fun in 2012.
For one reason or another 2011 wasn't the most memorable of years. Career prospects that didn't quite live up to the promise, family illness, and just a general downtime.
So in this year 2012 when the euro is probably going to collapse, the Olympics are going to cost us more than we can afford, it seems to me the only alternative is to have fun. Fun in work and fun with friends in life.

And to start all that fun we are doing a play in January for no money for a very good cause.
Richard is producing it and I am directing it and it will be fun.
Your part of the fun is to come and see it and treat yourself to a good SHORT evening in the theatre with us. Details and a booking link are on our website at
See you there and a very happy and fun 2012 to all
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