Upselling Upset
So we ended last week's blog with a report of some absolutely brilliant customer service from No doubt it left a warm glow in your heart. I can also report that this week Richard has experienced some brilliant customer service from Apple. Both of us are Mac boys. This week we have downloaded the latest operating system - Lion. It didn't exactly agree with Richard's MacBook, but a visit to the Apple Store meant that they reinstalled all his software, helped him download the new operating system and got him up and running - at no charge whatsoever. It was the installation of Lion that led to my own customer service experience this week. Having successfully installed the new operating system on my laptop and on my desktop I was having a few problems with backing up to a mobile disc that I use for storage. So after rehearsals on Tuesday afternoon (that's rehearsals for “Wedding Band" a new play by Charlie Baker which I'm directing for the Gilded...