Waiting for the call................

So we’ve all had a long holiday and now the prospect of summer term is upon us.

I could rather get into this idea of four day weekends, and I have to say that I haven;t got bored throughout either of them.

As an actor who has endured some long periods of unemployment, I can tell you that there used to be nothing worse than a Sunday or a Bank Holiday. It’s still the reason I do my weekly accounts on a Sunday morning. Something to do that feels like work. One of the best pieces of advice I ever received from a lovely tutor called John McGregor at Drama school was “Do one thing each day which might lead to work and then get on with your life” It’s a piece of advice that I have passed on to many young actors who I have worked with and it’s a great standby to help cope with employment. 

The thing is that on Sunday and Bank Holidays there was nothing once could do. No chance that the phone would ring, no one to call and even if you posted a letter you knew it wouldn’t go that day and land on someones mat the next morning. Ah there’s nostalgia for you — when first class post meant first class post. 

Even in these days ones inbox is remarkable empty of useful messages that might lead to a job over holiday weekends. 

It’s been pleasing to note that the estate agents who are selling our house have ben open on all the Bank Holidays. It hasn’t helped much though as they say viewings have been 50% down which has meant in our case no one. We have someone who is very interested and is coming for a second viewing but that got cancelled on Thursday due to her work commitments and we are waiting with bated breath for her to rearrange.

The bated breath is now slightly more bated (if that is possible) as we put in an offer for a house on saturday and I can hardly bear to think about it. Having seen this house once already, having been told that an offer had been made on it and therefore the vendor was having no other viewings, we were given a second chance on Saturday and ceased it with open arms. Equipped with our secret weapon, the gorgeous actress Kazia Pelka, we went for a visit and lots of questions. Kazia came with us on the second viewing of our flat so we think of her as a lucky charm. She also has a knack of asking questions that we would never have thought of asking, and yet which we always want the answer to. I won’t go into the details of our Saturday visit but suffice it to say that Kazia once again proved her weight in gold and prompted us to make an offer that afternoon. They didn’t reject it and they didn’t immediately accept it so we’re just waiting for a call. Not helped by the next day being a Sunday and then a Bank Holiday

We’ve put it out of her mind this weekend by picnicking in Kew gardens, watching terrible films with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie (The Tourist - don’t bother!) and this evening a visit to the acclaimed production of “Flare Path” in the West End rounds off holiday time.

We didn’t have Mum down as a bout of illness last week stopped her travelling but she seems to be back on form now and no doubt that will entail a trip up to Yorkshire for me in the very near future. I’m just waiting for the call.


  1. Hello Paul from another old boy from Maltby Grammar. I remember what must have been your first TV appearance on 'Magpie'.What advice would you give an aspiring young actor? My parners son is about to embark on a drama degree in London.

  2. Drop me a message on twitter @claytoncast and I can send a private reply. `many thanks


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