An Englishman's Home
And so our flat has gone on the market!

Anyway back to the flat viewings. It felt very strange to suddenly see our home, the place we have built together over the last 6+ years publicly strewn over the Internet on the website of our estate agent. A bit of an invasion of privacy. The photos are great, and scream out to me that is a nice place to live, but at the moment it’s my place to live….. our place…. And I’m not sure how I’ll feel about people coming to look around.
I know when we have been going to see places part of me feels rather prurient as I see people’s personal belongings up close in a house that I know nothing about, and the other half of me wonders around the place dispassionately criticising. The fact that people are about to do that to our home I find very disturbing.
The ideal situation is just to leave the estate agent the keys and let them get on with it, and once we have more trust in our estate agents I’m sure we will.
Give the saga of bad treatment that we received from estate agents in our search for a home, at the moment I wouldn’t trust somebody with my address, let alone my keys.
They’d been on the phone twice this morning to arrange two viewings. One was 10:30 AM and considering that I decided to have a lie in and didn’t get up until 9:55 AM that one is now being rearranged. The other is at 12:15 PM. The girl I spoke to on the phone is called Fay. She hasn’t as yet been round to see the flat, so I’m interested in how she’ll show a flat that she’s never seen before to two prospective buyers. As you may have read in my blog last week, this was the failing of Sam in Beckenham. If I had been the vendor in his case I would have told him to pop back to his office, rip upthe contract and not show his face again. Let’s hope we don’t have cause for a similar reaction when we watch Fay conduct a viewing.
We’ve seen one little house that we quite liked, but I’m not sure whether we can afford it will stop there are several other on the market that it will be worth is looking at and in between opening chocolate eggs I’m sure that’s what we’ll be doing over Easter. Looking for our next home, our next castle, and by definition the next stage of our relationship. As Rich said over the weekend “it’s a new beginning” and indeed it is. I just want to be sure that our current existence is attractive enough that somebody will pay the asking price.
Here’s hoping that our home is good enough to be somebody else’s castle!
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