2010 is here to stay

2010 has started.
Plumbers checking out leaky bathrooms, late cleaning ladies and snow. Hardly the worse snow we've had for thirty years in Sydenham as threatened by the always on top of it Met Office!. The Monday afternoon fall just before Christmas was far heavier, but enough to grind things to a dull thud of existence rather than the bouncy spring one had hoped 2010 might be.
Christmas and New York all seem a long way away on a morning when the plumber arrives before the alarm goes off. Cheeky and pert though the plumber is , there is a time when staggering to the door clutching ones partners dressing gown around one as you cant find your own is hardlythe way to begin the day.
The year has started in fits and starts. Hardly inundated on the work front. A trip to Amsterdam this Thursday and Friday looks like being the highlight at the moment, and then lots of empty days that currently need filling.
The post Christmas financial slump with VAT and tax bills due at the end of the month - who decided that January was a good month to collect tax? -and now a bathroom wall to be re tiled.
2010 has got to get better.
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