Bearding the Issue

Beard is a slang term, American in origin, describing a person used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date, romantic partner (boyfriend or girlfriend), or spouse, either to conceal infidelity or conceal one’s sexual orientation. And there’s me thinking it was something that my agent asked me to grow for something that starts filming next January. It’s the sequel to a project I filmed 10 years ago. In that instance, I had false facial hair, brown and lengthy. Today I’m sporting ten days’ growth, which is alarmingly white and short. Currently, I look like someone who didn’t even get a recall for the recast of Captain Bird's-Eye. Perhaps I could be one of the group of animated vagrants who assist Vincent Price in his murderous exploits in the film “Theatre of Blood”. It won’t be long before it’s second glances on the tube and I can stop using deodorant. Since the events of this series take place only eighteen months to two years after the events of the series, we filmed ten years ago, a...