Happy New Year ....or has that stopped now?

You another year starts, and we’ve grown used to writing a fresh set of figures at the end of the date. We’re all debating whether it’s still permissible to start an email with “Happy New Year”. We are pushing at the edges of those resolutions we may or may not have made, and having passed blue Monday where now well and truly settled into 2023. Having worried myself over where I was spending Christmas in the New Year, at 1:30 on January 1 I walked back along the Thames from an exceptionally pleasant drinks party on the 30th floor of an apartment building in Canary Wharf, having watched the fireworks from a magnificent vantage point. It was therefore surprising to bump into one of our well-known senior actors outside a public house and receive an invitation to partake of a little stimulation. I resisted the temptation and headed home to begin what, I hope, will be a successful year. 2022 was a rollercoaster both professionally and emotionally and although it’s not something that I ev...