In the Square

One of the greatest piazzas in the world is St Mark’s Square. I remember arriving there in a windswept motor launch from Venice airport on a cold March evening. The next morning we walked into a snow-covered square in bright sunshine, weather which revealed its full beauty. Last I have took refuge in St Mark’s Square. Alas, not the one in Venice, but the new St Mark’s Square complex which is home to Bromley’s Premier Inn. With a busy week including read throughs of the television series and a hospital appointment, the last thing I needed on Sunday morning was Richard testing positive for Covid. Come to think of it, I think it was the last thing he needed as well. Having tested negative on the Friday and Saturday, I took another test which was also negative and decided that the only course of action to be taken was to seek refuge in the Premier. A few items flung into a suitcase and iPad and phone clutched in my bag, I set off for the delights of what many might consider to be...