February and Forward.
So we’ve made it into February, which I always see as completing the first great hurdle of the year. My January has been hard. Much harder than I ever thought possible. A lot of personal introspection and hopefully reformation, and some fundamental changes to how I live my life. All on a very personal level, so not something to divulge here, but so many friends have come into their own as I have worked my way through the month Sometimes it’s easy to forget how long one has known someone, and there is nothing like a crisis to throw a long friendship into perspective. Their love for me, and their words of guidance have been an enormous wall of support for which I am immensely grateful. I accomplished the transition into February at a health spa. While I’m a big fan of a spa day, I’ve never done a full week’s detox course. So it was that last Sunday afternoon, Richard dropped me off in the wilds of Northamptonshire for just that very thing. We had lunch at the village pub just befor...