Catching Up
I can’t help feeling that my list of possible lunch dates has slowly diminished during lockdown. Never knowingly short of a girlfriend, or friend who is a boy, for lunch. I now find I’m scrabbling around on the mercifully few days I’m free to find a lunch companion. One of the greatest things to come out of lockdown was our wonderful What’s App group “Les Quizerables”. A random group of friends and acquaintances who responded to an open message regarding a Thursday evening quiz night in the second week of lockdown and who stayed together for over a year. There were the extra hours of meetings when allowed, and we’ve had lunch parties. We’ve had a wedding, and unfortunately, a loss, but the group continue to chat and help each other out over the inter-waves and in person. We have dinner booked with two, and five for lunch a few days later. So, what am I moaning on about, then? Just that it was hard to keep up with many friends. Zoom calls for work...