Freedom Come, Freedom Go.

Lurking among my record collection in 1971 was a song entitled “Freedom Come Freedom Go” by The Fortunes. A perky little tune to which I knew all the words and would often dance around the living room, hairbrush in hand, giving it my all. It seems an apt message for today. On the slew of Sunday morning political programmes gracing our screen, Freedom Day has been much to the fore. What is most alarming is that there doesn’t seem to be anybody saying that this is a good idea, other than the undersized uncharismatic and unqualified yes men of Boris’s gang. I have just watched Robert Jenrick, the sort of man who thinks that charisma is December 25, lie his way through back-to-back interviews on Sky and The Andrew Marr Show. His modus operandi was typical of what we receive from our government. He refused to answer any question. One suspects that some people in the Cabinet are not stupid enough to believe that this government’s response has been faultless. Yet that is the line they pursue....