Old Dog, New Balls.

I can remember my excitement the first time I saw my name on a television call sheet. I was lucky enough for that to happen while I was still at drama school. In the 1970s there was a healthy relationship between the Manchester Polytechnic School of Theatre and Granada TV. Quite often the casting department would call one of our tutors. His wife happened to be a very senior producer at Granada. They would ask for a couple of students who already had equity cards to come in for an interview for these small parts. Having gained my Equity card in my first year at drama school as a walk on for the London Festival Ballet as Rudolph Nureyev’s guard (That’s another story), I was keen and eligible. So, I would often hop onto a bus into town to the Granada offices on Quay street That first call sheet on which my name appeared, probably alongside an artist number somewhere in the hundreds, was for a thriller called “The XYY Man”. I was pushing the casting envelope by playing a choreographer...