A Little Of What You've Got Does You Good

Normality, or what can pass for it, now seems is seeping back into our lives. Two weeks ago we had a little Tuesday night gin party of six people to celebrate that we can meet up out of doors. It was a delight, although by the time we’d chatted to people for a couple of hours- something with which we have become unfamiliar, we were both exhausted, and flopped in front of the television. I had a bit of a medical MOT this week trying to fit in the dental hygienist, a blood test, and the visit for a hearing test all before the shops open tomorrow. We can all crowd into Primark tomorrow, but we have to stay outside in a pub garden and can’t even pop inside to pay. I know. Don’t tell me. We are following the science. Although one has to ask “What science?” The television seems overburdened with scientists. From Lorraine to Pointless, every programme seems to have their pet expert. Bungling Boris and his band of inept outlaws can listen to whichever one lets them do what they want to do - or...