A Personal Project

So 2019 got off to a great start."Ruffian on the Stair" came and went and proved a great success. Thanks to a fabulous team of people working on it, we were able to create something rather special. A piece of theatre that everyone working on it had a vested interest in. Brilliant design, fabulously atmospheric lighting, great sound, all created by a group of people who gave masses of time and love to the project. And of course three fantastic actors who, as one reviewer was right to point out, were "at the top of their game". I'm thrilled that, what was for me, a rather personal project became a special endeavour for everyone involved in it, and brought a lot of new people into the Hope Theatre to pack it out during the run. Having dinner after the show closed with the wonderful Adam Buchanan who played Wilson, I was asked "So has that given you a taste for doing more?" It is nearly seven years since I last directed. I was a little unsure of the an...