Hope and Glory

Sometimes Christmas comes early. It certainly did at the end of last year for me. I was asked to be Patron of the remarkable Hope Theatre in Islington. Evidently, according to the dictionary, patronage is a gift I give, but on this occasion, I feel I am definitely the lucky recipient. Sometimes one uses a word without a full understanding of its meaning. Obsequious is one that comes to mind. Checking the definition of patron, it’s not one who patronises. That means talk down to you, but I’ll assume you know that. Something I would hope I’m never guilty of in this column, but probably am in life. Evidently patronage is something one bestows. Sadly, the Claytons of South Yorkshire have no coat of arms, so the Hope won’t be getting a thespian rampant over its doors just yet. But what should it receive as a result of its generous offer for me to be its patron? Support, in all forms that I can manage. Patrons mercifully are not expected to write a blank cheque, but they ...