Breaking Into The Evenings

My first job way back in 1978 was a British Council tour Shakespeare play on behalf of the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. We trotted back and forward across Europe playing for two or three nights in large theatres and attending a number of receptions in British embassies and various other locations. It was an evening reception in the cultural attache's house in Luxembourg on one of our rare evenings off which stays in my mind. By now we had grown used to making chitchat with the various diplomats and their wives we would encounter. We all had our stock reply to that searching question "How do you learn your lines?". So it was rather refreshing to be taxed in a different way on this particular evening by a diplomatic wife whose first query about our lives in the theatre was "Don't you find it breaks into your evenings terribly?". I don't think it was something that any of us had really considered. Having just come out of drama school wher...