Taking to the Road

The joys of mentoring are many, as I have found out over the last four or five years since my involvement in the Alan Bates award began. It's great to get a new perspective on the profession in 2016, one that I as an actor approaching 60 years of age would not have had, and indeed it's a lot of this information that is inspired me to write my recent tome "The Working Actor" which the Twitterati tell me is Being received extremely well. Indeed doing a book signing and a discussion courtesy of Samuel French a week or so ago has meant that I've had the chance to sit down with a couple more young people and find out exactly what they're up to what the world is like out there today. The guys I mentor to the Alan Bates are now working and doing well, and it's an unexpected joy to have to once again take to the road visit the repertory theatres of England to see them in action. A slow train to Stoke-on-Trent and a stay in a hotel straight out ...