Looking Ahead
As I may have mentioned before, I like the idea of sitting down at a blank screen with no idea of what I'm going to write just to see what comes out. To this end I discovered a rather delicious piece of online software called Ilys, which absolutely personifies this way of writing. You set your word target, click on go, and are presented with a blank screen which doesn't actually allow you to see what you've written, but only shows the input letter by letter. The program won't reveal your writing until you reach your prearranged word target. It's a bit like setting out into a New Year, not really knowing what's ahead, and just carrying on until you feel you have got there. I remember many New Year's I've started without work booked into the diary. Now I can't think of anything more terrifying. To try to summon up all the resolve needed to cope with New Year resolutions and the feeling of a new beginning, and yet nothing is actually booked in. Th...