Learning the Lines
I never used to find it a problem to learn lines when I was younger. I have memories of rehearsal afternoons on particularly difficult scenes in those high points of my career where I had a lot of dialogue, and then retiring to my digs for a quick read through of the lines we had done that afternoon before preparing supper and repairing to the pub. A quick read through post pub before I went to bed, and the lines seemed to somehow get into my head. As I've got older, it hasn't stayed that easy. Now I have to work hard to get the lines in. Having recently finished a stint in a soap, I am in awe of the actors who have managed to learn four or five scenes the night before. I can learn lines quickly, but I really do have to work at it. I used to have a music stand which I would set up in the lounge and onto which I would place my script. I would then stand and recite lines from it only looking down when I needed a prompt. It worked rather well, but of course carrying a ...