Judging a book by its cover!

And so it's getting ever closer. When I sat down to apply myself to writing my book last April, I didn't really have any perception as to how long the whole process from me typing the first word until publication would be. In actual fact it will be just under 15 months to publication day on July 18. I'm told that this is quite quick, but then I'm also told that I wrote the book very quickly. I started with a week at my good friend Janie and Mike's house in France, and had finished actually writing it by the middle of July, three months later. The rest of July and August were editing and reworking certain sections. It came back from Nick Hern, my fantastic publisher, just before Christmas and I spent the second half of the Christmas holiday in the first week of January working through his emendations and suggestions. It came back in May to be finally proof read, and I finished a final proofreading of it ten days ago before it went to the printers. The...