Tis the season...to shop!

It won't come as a surprise to any regular readers of my jottings that I love shopping. I've mentioned it before. Indeed I have probably mentioned it on several occasions. I'm proud of the fact. Shopping for me can fill a few hours whether purchases are made or not. It's the fun of handling all the various potential buys, the comparing of the prices, the finding of that essential bargain, and the carrying of the bags home. (As long as they are bags from the right sort of shops of course!) I didn't get to do much retail in Berlin. Too much time spent eating dry bread! So this week, several visits into town to do some training, and do some dialogue dubbing have afforded me a couple of opportunities to pop into shops on that mecca of retail highways - Oxford Street. The excuse behind these visits was that I'm looking for a bag. A small to medium shoulder bag in black that will carry my iPad, a folder, and a few other odds and ends. Not that I don't ha...