Grin and Bear It
I think it must be age because round about this time of November for the last few years I have begun to have deep empathy with the principles of hibernation. If you told me that I had to go to sleep this evening and wake up sometime in mid-February I don't think I'd be too disappointed. It is not that this time of the year has been particularly empty work wise-in fact the past month or so I've been phenomenally busy. It's easing off a little now, but there are still a couple of days in the diary. Quite a few social events coming up as well, the agents party, various drinks dos at the Actors Centre and some home entertaining. We've also just come back from a weekend in Yorkshire for mum's 91st birthday. Cake, flowers, local village Christmas fayre, fish and chip restaurant lunch, and a new microwave for ourselves out of a branch of Comet that was closing down all packed into a 36 hour visit to Rotherham. That is of course "national headline makin...