Filling The Time
There’s nothing worse than when you can boot up the computer on a Monday morning, open the calendar and see five empty days stretching ahead of you. That’s what it’s been like this week. Not too many little pink shaded bits associated with work to worry about. So the task becomes finding things that hopefully will be fulfilling, fun, and just plain time filling. You can get into the habit of taking a bath in the morning, or in a less environmentally friendly sort of way but much more fun, take a shower in the morning and have a soak in the bath in the early evening. 90 minutes gone As the week progressed I become very familiar with “Heir hunters” on BBC1. This is a fascinating early-morning daytime television programme where teams of bald men in Ford Montego’s try to chase estates that have been left without a will. I do have an addictive personality, and basically two viewings of this early in the week and it’s become unmissable. Wednesday saw lunch with my lovely friend...